Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Morning Prayer

I have been teaching our eight year old son the Morning Offering, a prayer that instantaneously enters my mind and heart before my feet hit the floor for the new day. It is a prayer I pledged to say when I was enrolled in the Brown Scapular. There are mornings when my prayer is rushed and then there are mornings when I wake up, for reasons unknown this side of heaven, at 4:00 A.M.and my prayer is recited slowly and intentionally to our Lord.

O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer Thee all my
prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day for all the 
intentions of Thy Most Sacred Heart and for the Holy
Sacrifice of the Mass offered throughout the world today. 
In reparation for my sins, for the conversion of sinners, 
for all the holy souls in Purgatory, for all the intentions
of our associates, and for the intentions of the 
Holy Father recommended this month.

I just happen to come across some beautiful quotes by St. John Vianney on the Morning Offering. Don't you love it when that happens in such a Holy Spirit manner!

"In your work, offer your difficulties and troubles quite simply to God ... and you will find that his blessing will rest upon you and all you do." On the Sanctification of Daily Life.

"Receive, O my God, all my thoughts and all I am going to do today, in union with all you bore out of love for me during your life on earth." On the Sanctification of Daily Life.

"Never forget that it is at the beginning of each day that God has the necessary grace for the day ready for us. He knows exactly what opportunities we shall have to sin ... and will give us everything we need if we ask him then. That is why the Devil does all he can to prevent us from saying our Morning Prayers or to make us say them badly." On Morning Prayers.

It is the sweetest sound to hear your children offering their prayers to God in their child like ways, not able pronounce the r's and w's quite right yet. Jesus loves the little children, may we offer our day to Him with the same trusting, child like faith.

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