The desert journey has begun...
8:00 A.M. - the kids wake up and are going through withdrawals because Friday's during Lent, there are no electronics (computers, iPods, video games, except for school work.) Jesus, Mary, Joseph, I love you, save souls.
8:10 A.M. - youngest little angel demanding that I get his hot chocolate now! Jesus, Mary, Joseph, I love you save souls.
8:15 A.M. - two children speaking extremely rude to one another. Jesus, Mary, Joseph, I love you, save souls.
8:20 A.M. - one child highly indignant that someone ate the last of the chocolate cereal. Jesus, Mary, Joseph, I love you, save souls.
8:30 A.M. - motherly Lent talk, again, about how Jesus is calling us to work on turning our hearts toward Him. Jesus, Mary, Joseph, I love you, save souls.
9:00 A.M. - two children wrestling on the floor with each other and one ends up seriously mad because the other one sat on his head. Jesus, Mary, Joseph, I love you, save souls.
And so most of the morning went on in just about the same fashion. Whenever we start out on a holy journey, rest assured Satan will be right there tempting us in all the areas he knows we struggle in. That was very apparent in our family dynamics this morning. Thank goodness my phone alarm providentially rang at noon, demanding me to go and pray the Angelus. Naturally I was quickly obedient. All was well after that quiet time with Jesus, Mary & Joseph, my rescue heroes. Remember, Jesus also knows the areas we struggle in and is always there to strengthen us, if we ask.
May God strengthen you and your families during your 40 days in the desert.
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